Environment Park is a Technology Park that has been active for over 20 years in environmental innovation and sustainability.
We are a private company with public shareholders.
Among our shareholders are local institutions and utilities.
Environment Park operates in a free market regime.
Environment Park’s vision is to develop and promote environmental sustainability as a driver for competitiveness.
To do this, our mission is to be a reference point for public and private actors engaged in innovation towards environmental sustainability.
Environment Park’s activity is divided in two areas:
- The management of the Technology Park, which hosts companies and laboratories, a Convention Center, services for the Park community and green spaces.
In the heart of Spina 3, in Turin, the Park is a unique location born from an urban transformation, it is built applying green building technologies and sustainable architecture principles.
- The development of innovation services dedicated to companies and public administrations that want to invest in environmental innovation.
Owing to the experience gained since the end of the Nineties we have become a competence center dedicated to innovation for sustainability and a catalyst of projects at the center of local and international networks.
Environmental sustainability
as driver
for competitiveness.

To be a reference point for public and private actors engaged in innovation processes based on environmental sustainability

hosting enterprises and laboratories.
A COMPETENCE CENTER on innovation and sustainability.
A CATALYST of projects within local and international networks