The Sustainability Report - OLTRE
Through the Sustainability Report, Environment Park aims to confirm its engagement and efforts as territorial driver of growth of environmental competences and innovation. A commitment, already consolidated over the years, that the company has with respect to the process of “expanded value” generation pursued. OLTRE is the title chosen for our Sustainability Report as storytelling instrument describing the corporate sustainability engagement ESG issues to further support its mission of promoting environmental sustainability pathways.
The report is voluntarily drafted by adopting the Metodo ODCEC Torino, the reference method for the public accountability developed at local level, and following the GRI Standard, international standards published by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) for the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) reporting. The non-financial reporting activity is part of an improvement in the sustainability dimension at the company level, which since 2021 has seen an increasing involvement of both the staff and governance, towards new medium and long-term objectives.
The Environment Park’s materials topics can be described through 5 thematic clusters, gathering 10 priority topics based on environmental, social and economic issues, consistent with both the company’s sustainability goals and the industrial strategy.
Therefore, the Sustainability Report represents an important opportunity for Environment Park to reflect on its own activities with and for the territory, a story of our work in support of the sustainability of businesses and communities, made through numbers, graphics, stories and images.
The materials topics: 5 thematic clusters
1 Governance’s accountability and quality
2 Support the development of new technologies and innovations by providing universities and research centres with customised spaces and know-how in infrastructure management
3 Commitment to an increasingly open campus to host and test technologies in support of the ecological transition
4 Make the campus more sustainable by optimizing consumption and promoting innovative solutions
5 Building an open community for the territory, sharing spaces, ideas and services
6 Working with institutions to guide the sustainable development of the territory
7 Strengthen cooperation with the world of training for the skills’ dissemination on the ecological transition
8 Facilitate synergies between companies and the research world in order to attract resources and increase impacts
9 Transfer of innovations and technologies to support the ecological transition
10 Inclusiveness, safety and balance between employees’ working lives and staff
Our goals
Through its mission, vision, strategic plan and internal priorities shared with employees, Environment Park adheres to the values set out in the 2030 Agenda for the Sustainable Development signed in September 2015 by the governments of the 193 UN member countries. The agenda incorporates 17 Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs – into a large action programme for a total of 169 targets. Environment Park adheres to the following 11 SDGs: