Special projects

Special projects are continuous activities with a strong innovative dimension that we design with our partners to connectcompanies and research centres, to foster professional training, to create partnerships and projects and to bring the territory closer to environmental innovation.

Special project currently ongoing are:

ITS Energia Piemonte

ITS, 'Istituti Tecnici Superiori', are institutes of excellence and high technological specialisation, whose offer is configured as post high school ordinary courses. The “Istituti Tecnici Superiori” train high-level professionals in technological areas recognized as strategic for economic development and competitiveness. The ITS represent in Italy the tertiary education offer alternative to university.

The CLEVER Cluster

Environment Park has been managing one of the regional innovation clusters of Piemonte for over 10 years. Dal 2009 al 2015 gestivamo Polight, il Polo dedicato a Green Building e Idrogeno, dal 2016 abbiamo ampliato il campo d’azione e gestiamo il Polo di Innovazione CLEVER, dedicato a energy and clean technologies.

Piattaforma circular economy

The Circular Economy Platform, born in January 2020 from a collaboration agreement between the Politecnico and Environment Park, is the first of the Politecnico di Torino's strategic platforms to become operational.