Martini&Rossi is an international industrial reality, with administrative, distribution and production branches worldwide. It is part of the Bacardi-Martini group and produces vermouth, sparkling wine, fernet, bitter and china.

The production plant is located in Pessione di Chieri, in the province of Turin, and for the building “Celle Moscato and Cantina Pinot” an Energy Diagnosis was requested. The building belongs to the BACARDI-MARTINI production complex and is used to accommodate the functions related to the storage, processing and storage of Moscato and Pinot wines.


The Energy Diagnosis is a systematic procedure aimed at the knowledge of the final uses of energy and the identification and analysis of any inefficiencies and energy problems of the building and the plants. It involves a series of operations consisting in the survey and analysis of the building-plant system under standard operating conditions and in the economic analysis and evaluation of the energy consumption of the building. The purpose of an energy diagnosis is to identify ways to reduce energy needs and evaluate the cost-benefit of possible interventions, ranging from retrofit actions to optimized operating models/ management of energy resources.



ENVIPARK has been commissioned to draw up the Energy Diagnosis pursuant to Legislative Decree 102/2014 and the UNI CEI TR 11428 and UNI CEI 16247-2 of the Cella Moscato and Cantina Pinot building. The activities envisaged are:

  • inspection of the building;
  • definition of consumption baseline based on analysis of historical data;
  • energy model definition through the use of EDILCLIMA EC 700 software;
  • energy model validation on the basis of comparison between theoretical and real energy requirements normalized on similar climatic conditions;
  • definition of energy efficiency measures;
  • calculation of energy savings and economic simulations.