In the context of climate neutrality, the European Commission has adopted the climate package “Fit for 55”, which commits member states to reduce by 55% greenhouse gas emissions compared to 1990 levels, with the goal of achieving “carbon neutrality” by 2050. Among energy-intensive sectors, aviation generates 14% of EU GHG emissions and can, therefore, play a key role in significantly reducing emissions.
Airports will play a key role in the contribution of air transport to climate neutrality. They can help reduce the airport’s carbon footprint and improve air quality through the production and use of sustainable energy in both the flight and ground areas of airports, and the transition to more environmentally friendly modes of transport.
In this context, SAGAT Group, the company responsible for the management and development of Turin Caselle Airport, considers it is necessary to link environmental sustainability and the fight against climate change to the development of its airport infrastructure. SAGAT is a partner of the European project Horizon 2020 TULIPS – DemonsTrating lower pollUting solutions for sustainable Airports across Europe, which aims to accelerate the implementation of innovative and sustainable technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions at airports.
ENVIPARK has been commissioned by SAGAT Group to carry out some activities within the European project H2020 “TULIPS”. In particular it will take care of:
- Carry out a study on the contribution of the Fuel Cell system to SAGAT’s CO2 reduction targets. It will be necessary to analyze the opportunities, the modalities and the technical and economic barriers of the supply of carbon free fuels (biogas, biomethane, green hydrogen) to the airport Fuel Cell plant and carry out a scenario of reduction of CO2 emissions resulting from the adoption of such fuels in the medium term.
- Assist in the administrative and financial management of H2020 “TULIPS” project, providing support to the technical and management staff of SAGAT with an expert in the technical-documentary, administrative and financial management of European projects of the H2020 program.
- Define the Vision and the Environmental Roadmap “TRN 2030” within the WP3 and WP10 of H2020 project “TULIPS”. The Environmental Vision TRN2030 will be the programmatic document to manage the decarbonisation processes of Turin Airport in line with the commitment NET Zero 2050 assumed by SAGAT. The TRN2030 Roadmap will be developed with the aim of providing SAGAT with an Action Plan to achieve a level of energy efficiency of Turin airport system – Caselle consistent with the sustainability objectives defined by the Vision. The Roadmap will include the program of interventions and actions used to apply for ACA (Airport Carbon Accreditation) certification levels.