Climate change

Climate change is the main social, economic and environmental challenge we face in the coming years.

Global and European policies indicate the need to work at all levels and in all sectors to reduce GHG (Green House Gases) emissions and increase the resilience of cities and regions. At European level, the goal we are called to achieve, with the joint effort of institutions, private organisations and citizens, is carbon neutrality by 2050.

Envipark’s competences for the ecological transition and the fight against climate change, are:

Tools for resilient cities and regions

We have expertise and tools to evaluate emissions from the activities of companies and public authorities, such as:

  • Preparation of emission inventories and energy and climate action plans for public administrations (SEAP – Sustainable Energy Action Plan, SECAP – Sustainable. Energy and Climate Action Plan)
  • GHG emission inventories and carbon footprint calculations for public and private organisations in accordance with UNI EN ISO 14060 series standards, PEF (Product Environmental Footprint) and GHG Reporting Protocol
  • Calculation of lifecycle emissions of products and services by means of LCA analysis in accordance with the UNI EN ISO 14040 series standards and support for environmental product certification (EPD) in accordance with the ISO 14025 standard
  • Technical and economic analyses supporting the creation of local renewable energy communities
  • Support to public authorities for the drafting of specifications for Innovation and Green Public Procurement 
  • Solutions for sustainable management of the forest-wood chain
  • Tools for urban regeneration adopting Nature Based Solution (NBS)
  • Optimization of processes on a pre-industrial scale for reducing GHG 
  • Quantification of GHG emission savings and reduction of fossil fuel use by applying circular economy principles
  • Sustainable design and implementation of improved products and processes using Plasma surface treatment technologies

Let’s talk about climate change!

We offer our space and expertise to organise debates with experts, hackathons and exhibitions on the themes of the climate and environmental crisis. Would you like to propose an event or a collaboration on these themes? Let’s talk about it!

Discover our Climathons

Discover our Envi4Future, a series of meetings dedicated to climate change

Furthermore, within Environment Park we host and collaborate with the CO2 Circle lab, a specialised hub dedicated to research on the capture, storage and use of anthropogenic CO2, integrated to energy storage systems. Discover the lab


BIFOUR stands for Biometano da bioidrogeno prodotto con biodigestione anaerobica bistadio (biomethane from biohydrogen produced through two-stage anaerobic biodigestion).



The Foundation Cassa di Risparmio di Cuneo is a non-profit organization active especially in the province of Cuneo, which pursues purposes of social utility and



BioROBURplus – Advanced  direct  biogas  fuel  processor  for robust and cost-effective decentralised hydrogen production- è un progetto finanziato nell’ambito del programma dell’Unione Europea Horizon2020.



Project Biosofc – Design and demonstration of 3 CHP plants using two 5 kW solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) working with landfill gas and biogas from anaerobic digestion – was financed within the framework of the European Programme LIFE.



Project Fruit-en-go was financed under the ROP Piemonte ERDF 2007-2013 and involves Fingranda spa as lead partner, Environment Park SpA, the Energy Department of Politecnico di Torino, T&G Sistemi and Sanifrutta.



LIFE POWER – Project for Optimisation of Water and Emissions Reduction- has been financed within the framework of the European Programme LIFE.


Renewable energy

From 2016 to 2019, the Renewable Energy  project, funded by the Interreg MED programme, has been focusing on the development of 6 modular projects promoting renewable energy within the Mediterranean area, with particular attention to rural areas and islands.



SATURNO (Organic waste and Carbon dioxide Transformed into carburates, fertilizers and chemical products; concrete application of circular ecoNOmy) is a 30-months research project funded by Piedmont Region within the scope of the Bioeconomy Technologic Platform initiative.



AURORAL project has the aim to tackle significant social challenges for increasing economic growth in rural areas, delivering a platform bridging the digital gap between urban and rural areas.



BIOFIDS is a project that aims at the technological transfer of the ENEA patent N° 0001428761 “LED photobioreactor plant for the biological removal of H2S from biogas.



ENER.COM’s objective is to overcome technological and regulatory barriers in order to implement the pilot project on energy communities in the Pinerolo area.



HYPERGRYD (Hybrid coupled networks for thermal-electric integrated smart energy Districts) is a European project, that lasts 42 months funded by the Horizon 2020 program for



STEPPING Plus is a project co-funded by the European Union through the Interreg MED Program, with a budget of 499.095 €, it is a continuation



EALING is a project co-financed by the European Commission, in the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) program in which the Central Adriatic Sea Port System Authority
