BioSFerA’s Consortium gathers in Helsinki and visits the project’s pilot plant at VTT

Last May the BioSFerA international partnership met for its 6th General Assembly in Helsinki to discuss the activities of this final year of the project. It was an important opportunity to visit the project’s pilot plant, starting to appreciate concretely the BioSFerA concept scaling-up to TRL5. The General Assembly was the opportunity for the entire […]

The BEST4Hy H2020 Consortium meets in Turin

The last General Assembly of the BEST4Hy project was held in Turin, where all the partners gathered to discuss on the last research results before the summer and plan the next activities for the coming year. The meeting provided a positive report with mid-term results coming more and more closer to the BEST4Hy final objectives […]


The  EU HYDROGEN WEEK, organised by the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU) has started well: the BEST4Hy project, where Environment Park is coordinator, has been awarded as “Best Success Story”. Directly selected by the FCH JU, BEST4Hy competed in the category ‘Towards a sustainable and circular hydrogen economy’ with other 5 projects dealing […]