BioSFerA H2020, first year project results
BioSFerA project, in which Envipark is a partner, aims to develop a cost-effective production method of sustainable aviation and maritime fuels, by combining different technologies. Despite the Covid 19 restrictions, after one year since the beginning of the project, the first goals have been successfully achieved. First of all CERTH carried out an assessment of […]
The second transnational meeting of the CLEANTEX project was held on Monday 28 June. For the first time since the start of the project, the meeting was held in a hybrid format, which allowed some of the partners to physically attend the meeting. The aim of the project is to develop a virtual and open […]
BioSFerA H2020, first project achievements
BioSFerA aims to develop a cost-effective interdisciplinary technology to produce sustainable aviation and maritime fuels. During the first months of activity, the consortium has proceeded with some preparatory activities including the elicitation of stakeholders and market needs, the definition of key performance indicators (KPIs) for the evaluation of the project, and the BioSFerA feedstock selection […]
Environment Park, as third part of the Polytechnic school of Turin in the framework of the BRISK2 EU project, gives to a selected number of projects the opportunity to do test in our pilot plants with a travel expenses reimbursement in the limit of 1200 €. The project is dedicated to allow a greater use of the research and […]
SmartEnergy offers six-pack online advanced courses on 4 game changing energy essentials
Are you a (digital) innovator contributing the energy transition? Do you want to learn about today’s game changing energy essentials? Are you looking for the best partners to further develop or bring them to the market in a new country? The six-pack series is designed for you. SMARTENERGY consortium members offer six-packs courses on 4 […]
An international partnership for an innovative and sustainable aviation and maritime fuels
The web kick-off meeting held on 30th April 2020, launched the activities of BioSFerA project (BIOfuels production from Syngas FERmentation for Aviation and maritime use), funded by European Unions’ Horizon 2020 research programme. BioSFerA aims to develop cost-effective interdisciplinary technology to produce sustainable aviation and maritime fuels. Biogenic residues will be gasified, and the syngas […]
Environment Park, as third part of the Polytechnic school of Turin in the framework of the BRISK2 EU project, gives to a selected number of projects the opportunity to do test in our pilot plants with a travel expenses reimbursement in the limit of 1200 €. The project is dedicated to allow a greater use of […]
Environment Park, as third part of the Polytechnic school of Turin in the framework of the BRISK2 EU project, gives to a selected number of projects the opportunity to do test in our pilot plants with a travel expenses reimbursement in the limit of 1200 €. The project is dedicated to allowing a greater use of the […]
EVERYWH2ERE: cities as living labs for Fuel cell and hydrogen technologies
EVERYWH2ERE is a project funded by H2020, the European Union Framework Program for Research and Innovation, through the FCH JTI (Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking) Joint Undertaking. European cities can become living labs for the demonstration of Fuel cell and hydrogen technologies everyday applications such as temporary gensets that are used in construction sites, […]
Join the project PROBIS!
Four Public Procurement for energy refurbishment of building with innovative solutions tenders will be launched in the years 2015- 2016 in Torino (IT), Treviglio (IT), Börlange (SE) and Miskolc (HU).
For more information click here.
Organic waste valorization in complex territorial contexts
Within the project SCOW – Selective Collection of Organic Waste in tourist areas and valorisation in farm composting plants (2013 – 2015) – Environment Park, as project partner, organizes a conference dedicated to the organic wastes valorisation in complex territorial contexts. The project has allowed to emphasize that it isn’t always easy to apply standard models to all […]
FCH JU projects – Fuel Cell based Auxiliary Power Units – Joint Workshop
The workshop is organized as a final dissemination event of the SSH2S – Fuel Cell Coupled Solid State Hydrogen Storage Tank – performed in the frame of FCH JU activities. The main objective of SSH2S is to develop a solid state hydrogen storage tank fully integrated with a fuel cell and to demonstrate its application […]
Innovazione e Sviluppo: Environment Park con il Plasma rivoluziona il mondo dello sci
Il brevetto, realizzato in collaborazione con l’Associazione Skiman e sviluppato grazie al settore Plasma Nano Tech dell’Environment Park, racchiude risultati sorprendenti: un assorbimento di quantità di sciolina fino a 6 volte superiore a parità di metodologia di impregnazione. Dalle analisi con microscopio ottico della struttura finale della superficie di polietilene vengono evidenziate delle cavità più […]
Environment Park in Palestina for the HITEC project
In the framework of the PMSP programme (Palestinian Municipal Support Programme), managed by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the city of Turin, lead partner of the Italian partnership of the HITEC (Hebron Innovation Technopark) project, in collaboration with the Consulate General of Italy in Jerusalem and Environment Park, will organize the first HITEC project […]
Master – Sustainable Architecture – Smart Building and Urban Innovation
Environment Park provides technical support to the master Sustainable Architecture – Smart Building and Urban Innovation organized by Architect Cesare Griffa at the European Institute of Design and aimed at those who, in possession of a Master’s Degree in Architecture, Civil Engineering, Civil or related degrees, wish to explore the dynamics of the built environment […]
EnviPark – MENARA Moroccan Cluster
The CEO of Environment Park, Ing. Fabio Massimo Grimaldi, signes a cooperation agreement with the Moroccan cluster MENARA, located in Marrakech and dedicated to food and cosmetics issues.
In occasione del FuoriSalone 2014, nell’ambito della Mostra Evento FEEDING NEW IDEAS FOR THE CITY presso l’Università degli Studi di Milano, sarà presentato la prossima settimana il prototipo di fotobioreattore a parete WaterLilly 2.0 sviluppato da Cesare Griffa con il supporto tecnico del Green Chemistry di Environment Park e di F&M S.r.l. Il progetto consiste in […]
Environment Park has a new logo
Officially unveiled the new logo of Environment Park SpA. The remake of the image of the company was dictated by the need to raise the identity and activities of Environment Park. The new logo represents the complementarity of the two business units of the company, Innovation and Development and Real Estate Services.
Borghi sostenibili del Piemonte
Environment Park works as a technical partner in the project Borghi Sostenibili del Piemonte (Sustainable Towns in the Piedmont Region – An Area for More Responsible Tourism). The project involves the auditing, evaluation and promotion of all aspects of sustainable tourism in the municipalities constituting part of the network, which can use the label as […]
The public administration researches innovative products for public lighting
‘Public procurement for innovation’ is a practice introduced at a European level to promote Public Administration purchasing of products by innovative companies. The objective of this initiative is to provide support for the first phase of the marketing of ‘early market’ products, with tender competitions for solutions not yet available on the market and of […]
Horizon 2020 – competitions dedicated to SME Instrument
Under the H2020 scheme, the SME Instrument is an initiative dedicated exclusively to innovative SMEs. It provides support for SMEs that are looking to launch a project in three stages: from the feasibility study, to the development of a collaborative project, to the final product launch. It is targeted towards innovative product ideas, which have […]