Hydrogen represents a key solution to ensure sustainable energy supply with a strategic role into the innovative pathways towards the European climate neutrality goal. For those reasons, this year Environment Park dedicates its hydrogen day to the hydrogen value chain with an important sustainability perspective all over it. October 26th, Environment Park hosts at its premises the following event: “HYDROGEN AS SUSTAINABLE DRIVER FOR INNOVATION, From the production to the final uses of hydrogen devices for a sustainable and circular supply chain”.

From production until the final use of hydrogen devices, going through their design and manufacturing with an overall life cycle perspective, the hydrogen day will explore the sustainability aspect in some of the main steps of the hydrogen value chain. The event, organised in collaboration with BEST4Hy – the European H2020 project on recycling solutions for end-of-life fuel cells technologies – aims to give a state-of-the art of the hydrogen devices. At the end of day, the speakers will have highlighted opportunities, needs and barriers for the involved stakeholders, enjoying the presence of local and international representatives from the European scene.

The day includes a panel session in the morning, demonstrations and guided tours to the demo sites in the Park in the afternoon. B2B and networking opportunities will also be offered throughout the day through the Swapcard platform. In order to ensure more flexibility, the tool can be used to contact the participants and speakers and organise the meetings, without any binds on the timing. The Johannesburg room will be at your disposal for the B2B meetings.

For the presence of international speakers, the event will be held in English:

09:00 – 09:15 Attendees’ registrations

09:15 – 09:30 Welcome and Introduction

09:30 – 10:30    Panel 1: Producing zero impact energy: green hydrogen and its storage technologies

10:30 – 10:45     Coffe break

10:45 – 11:45    Panel 2: End uses: state of the art of the most innovative and sustainable hydrogen devices

11:45 – 12:45    Panel 3: From Eco-design to End-of-life: a circular and sustainable value chain for hydrogen

12:45 – 13:00 Wrap-up

Morning session available in streaming on our YouTube channel.

The demonstration activity will be conducted by the partners of the BEST4Hy consortium: CEA Liten (Grenoble), Hensel Recycling GmbH and Politecnico di Torino will illustrate the recovery and recycling technologies of critical raw materials developed on end-of-life PEM/SO fuel cells during the project. Shows, video demonstrations and visit to the pilot plant in the laboratories of Environment Park will enrich the interventions.

Following a visit to the genset of EVERYWH2ERE, a hydrogen device for the supply of electricity already experienced in other public events, such as music festivals and fairs.

Discover the speakers and details of the day in the AGENDA (draft).
Book your seat on EVENTBRITE and register your company on Swapcard to learn about other companies and research entities.

Event supported by Cluster CLEVER and Sistema Poli project.


For further information contact marianna.franchino@envipark.com