Multilevel Hybrid Learning Project present first part conclusions in Graz (Austria)

The second transnational meeting of the European project Multilevel Hybrid Learning took place in Graz (Austria) during the last week of October.

During this event the working team presented the results of the first part of this project whose objective is the development of three training programs that allow students to acquire and develop basic skills and key competences, for “boosting employability in new specialties, skills and professional profiles associated with the profound and rapid transformation of the labour market”.

The first part of the project developed over the last 7 months has allowed to present a catalogue of emerging professional profiles. Also, validate and define the academic guide of the three programs that will cover the need of many companies to incorporate people with skills adapted to the changes in the labour market. The methodology and modality to be applied incorporate business and university into the academic curriculum will allow students not only to update knowledge according to the new needs of the labour market from any European country, but also obtain a degree with European recognition.

Multilevel Hybrid Learning advances towards the European Commission’s vision of developing a European Higher Education Area by 2025 and will actively contribute to this end by intensively developing and exploiting, on a European scale, various innovations related to improving the quality and interconnection of curricula. and European Higher Education systems, the relevance of students’ knowledge and skills, as well as the modernization of Higher Education institutions and systems. It also counts on the participation of the Business and the University as key elements for the professional development of people and more than 100 companies have already joined this project.

The second part of the project will start in November. A selection of teachers and people in charge of training and recruitment in the companies will have the opportunity to know in more detail the academic guide and curriculum of each of the programmes that make up this project and to validate both the methodology and the contents.

The three programmes to be developed, university experts, related to Big Data; Energy efficiency in industry and buildings; Interconnected industry (IoT); Robotics and innovation management in the company; Cybersecurity and Blockchain, are mainly aimed at students who have completed their higher education (VET, University) with a special focus on the promotion of women as it has been found in the study that their participation in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) careers should continue to be promoted.