CBET-Cross Border Energy Trainig
Project CBET – Cross Border Energy Training – is co-financed by the European Union under Programme Interreg V Italy-France ALCOTRA 2014-2020.
Envipark is the ideal place where to test innovative energy and cleantech solutions in real conditions, owing to its size (a total area of 30,000 sqm, with 16,000 sqm of green roofs and 10,000 sqm of green area), its renewable energy plants, ownership of energy distribution grids and infrastructure, presence on site of potential users of the utility services. Furthermore, Envipark is, ISO 14001 certified, and offers expertise in energy management and circular economy.
From charging systems for electric cars to urban apiaries for biomonitoring, many innovations have been tested in the park, which is often used as a demosite.
Some companies and research centres have already used the campus area to set up cleantech demonstrators, in the framework of projects funded through international or local programmes.
Envipark space is also available for building and testing prototypes for training purposes.
The following solutions have been tested over time: heating and cooling solutions, insulation systems, energy recovery, green walls, facades, coatings, paints; storage of renewable energy, production of renewables in the urban environment, measurement, monitoring and forecasting of energy consumption and energy production from renewables, electric vehicles, user involvement and profiling systems, low environmental impact prefabs, intelligent bench and apiary for biomonitoring.
Project CBET – Cross Border Energy Training – is co-financed by the European Union under Programme Interreg V Italy-France ALCOTRA 2014-2020.
“Efficiency Jobs” is an EU-cofinanced project of the Lifelong learning Programme; managed by the “Organismo Autónomo de Programas Educativos Europeos” (OAPEE) of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport. It is a “Multilateral Project for Transfer of Innovation” of the subsectoral Leonardo da Vinci Programme (LdV-TOI).